Ok, Sedgwick County is looking to put in a Casino, and/or a racetrack casino. As I mentioned before, the Central Public Library is one of the potential sites for this. It would take out the library, the expo center, and a hotel. The expo center has a huge auditorium where I went and heard a symphony last Christmas. It is pretty much a bad idea to bring in a casino, or so I am told.
So, I don’t want this cancer to eat into my city. What can I do?
I could protest it: go out in the street with signs and slogans and vent my spleen on the passing public about how horrible casinos are, and how this casino will create an estimated 5200 to 7800 pathological gamblers, and how the 80-20 rule applies: most of the revenue comes from a few (unhealty) customers.
But, if I got a group canvasing the city, decrying the vileness casinos will bring, most people will either: already agree, or pass us off as “activists”. But, what if we did a little reverse psycology? We could shout about how cool casinos are, make slightly rediculous arguments about how we should have these casinos, and hand out forms to get people to sign up to vote. It may get the attention of more people, and it would be alot more fun. Especially if we were picketting in front of the Library, telling about how much better a casino is than a library. It would be hard to have good taglines that look like they are downing reading and education, but by the time the advance ballots get to our audience’s mailboxes, they realize that we are ideots and they vote it down. So, what should our signs say? Here are some things I’ve thought of so far:
are for
With a Million Dollars you can PAY someone to read to you!
Give Jonny penny-slots
not ….
I’m sure you can think of better ones…
By the way, none of the proceeds would go to improve public education.