Saturday, April 02, 2011


Tuesday, November 13th, 2007

A few professionals were talking about success: the first guy said “I think my highest success would be if I were invited to a private conference with the president in the Oval Office.” The second guy said, “No, I’d feel I’d really arrived, if I were in a conference with the president, and the phone rings, and he doesn’t answer it.” The third guy says, “No, you’ve got it wrong, success would be if the phone rings, the president answers it, and says, ‘It’s for you’”
“That’s still pretty short sighted,” says the fourth guy. “I’d be successful if I type a letter into the search bar, and Google Suggest finishes my name for me.”

This was lifted from a book on success by John C. Maxwell. Well, the first three guys were. And John’s point was that success was a journey, not some destination.

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