Saturday, October 28, 2006

Sneak preview

At work we are having a "get dressed up day" tuesday as part of a fundraiser for the food bank. Some people will participate. I am going as a member of the SUPER CAR Team! It's a pretty sloppy get up, but after all, the Super CAR Team can't spend a whole lot of time on their outfits, because we are too busy closing "greenlines" and fixing "multi-unit tags"---basically putting out fires. Here's a sneak preview of what I've figured out so far---work people don't frequent this blog, so they won't know until tuesday...[those are "tags" on my pants and "green lines" on my shirt, and a cape..well, because I'm SUPER!]

I'm not sure if I'll go barefoot or not. This is the one day that I would have an excuse to walk around work without any shoes.
Perhaps the SUPER CAR Team (a.k.a. you) could afford a custom tee-shirt from a screen-printing company in Wichita

And I wouldn't go barefooted to work. Too many broken bottles on the parking lot and aluminum shavings under the desk.

Go! Super CAR Team!

By the way: how do you tag a word with a link?
excellent....glad i got to see a pic. why was one leg shorter than the other?
well, actually, one leg has the front of the pant leg cut off, and the other leg is missing the back of the pant leg. Partly it is just to make it interesting, partly to make it easier to sew on the tags, and then there is the idea that it makes it easier to walk in circles---something I seem to do a lot.
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