I’m starting to get the feeling that water has no nutritional value. Sure, you need it, but it doesn’t make you less hungry. You drink water, and initially it can make you not feel like you need to eat, but it quickly wears off. Now, I can hear you protesting that all food only fills you for a while, and then you are hungry again, so how is water different? I too was under that impression for a while, but after some experimentation, I have concluded that water is much more transient, and doesn’t change the slope of the curve of hunger vs. time, but just masks it for short time. Eventually you have to either go to sleep, or go cook something.
Oh, and how does 4pm on this Saturday (the 4th) sound for our protest of the Library? Meet at the Central Branch of the Wichita Library, and you can bring your own signage, or, use some poster board I’ll bring. Think up more pro-Casino, anti-Learning slogans!