Yesterday, you could say I spent most of my time in my apartment…
Or, you could say that I searched my town’s stores for latex spray foam.
I followed a guy who has wandered from the Dorlish Wood. He’s not sure what’s going on, but I think he’ll survive. He’s setting up the world for someone else to complete.
I had a snap of inspiration in church this morning. I realized that God is bigger than the emotional difficulties I find from working with imperfect people at my job. I can’t care yet not be hurt when I am failed—-unless I realize that it has nothing to do with the logic of the my feelings, and they are washed over by God’s over-arching plan and and Nature which can be flowing through me and is no longer limited by me. eh, something like that—you had to be there.
I visited the magnetosphere, and learned how radiation from space attacks earth when we let our guard down.
I watched some normal guys in California build spacecraft out of fabric, that they send to the edge of space. Oh, and they mentioned this, which was sent to Venus—yeah, that place where solder melts. You don’t want to live there. But this balloon’s twin made the trip and survived to do its mission.
Based on something I read Saturday, I was inspired to develop a new kind of lightswitch—one that wasn’t there. I’d use this. I got it sketched out as I tried to fall asleep—usually I go instantaneously, but I had drunk some coffee hours before. That was at evening church, which morphed into having some friends over to eat chili. We discussed making houses out ofconcrete domes. Also, I talked to a friend about finding wifes. I also traveled to the good old days and met Mel, A Real Programmer. Oh and I climbed 800 something feet on a stairs machine while Clive Staples chatted to me, all the way from the early ’40’s–talking aboutChristianity being more than more than just merely being a nice person. The earlier chapters about pretending to be Jesus gave useful insight I used in the evening church bible study on 1 John 1~2.
I straightened up my house a little. Made some bread. And went to church instead of going and eating with a friend from work. I don’t like when my religion get in the way of my relationships.
Today, I barely visited my apartment. And now it’s about time to float off to some other world. Maybe the future, which is here whenever I close my eyes..