Thursday, June 01, 2006

Ducks and dilettante

I wandered out to put a letter in the mail and found a pair of mallards picking their way across the lawn near my building.  I spoke to them in their language, but there may have been some small nuances that I was missing because they didn't pay much attention to me.  On my way back I saw them slipping into our recently-refilled pool.  I don't think they will find much that ducks really like in the sterile waters. Poor dears.

I am feeling a bit under the weather.  My nose runs unless I am sleeping, and my voice is going hoarse.  I should eat something and go to bed. 
Tonight's menu: Uncle Charlie Pizza
Classically, Uncle Charlie Pizza was made by spreading ketchup on a piece of white bread, laying a slice of American cheese on top, shaking on some oregano, and cooking it in the microwave or toaster oven.  My neo-gourmet Uncle Charlie Pizza will consist of homemade white bread with pizza sauce on it and mozzarella cheese. Then I will melt the cheese onto it in the microwave.

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