Sunday, April 23, 2006


Today I went to the church I normally go to, but haven't been to for a month or so.

Sometimes I wish that people would sing more time-tested music, and sometimes they do. Today we sang "Blessed Assurance" which is a good one. I tried to sing the bass and tenor parts to it, but pretty much couldn't. I am not sure if it is because I can't follow parts without a good solid piano playing them, or if the small variations from the traditional melody threw me off enough that I couldn't extrapolate what the harmonizing structure would be. I could follow the basic bass line---easy, just copy the bass guitar--but couldn't snap onto the other parts. So, like most people, I just sang melody and it was cool. Do parts somehow worship God better?

We also sang a newer compilation: "Here is our King". When they started singing it, I was like, "I've heard a song like this before." It took until after the chorus to realize that the style was reminiscent of DCfC's "Title and Registration"---the stacato words running across phrases, the simple, clean melody, and reduced musical backup matched "So I'm purposing a swift orderly change/'cause behind it's door/there's nothing to keep my fingers warm". A difference was that it's sytacticly challenged verses set up for the chorus which mentioned God. So, "the music you love--on the topics you profess!"

And now I am going to go play Ultimate---a game I like, but doesn't really have any Christian spin to it.
did you mean to post this three times? i thought maybe it was for emphasis....
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