Sunday, April 30, 2006

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood

The earlier part of this week work was depressing.  I spent hours on end searching for part numbers that, were the world I work in designed differently, would have taken moments.  I was rather annoyed by the system.  I realized that the people I work with were not weird because they were engineers, but because it is a coping mechanism that allows them to continue to function in the environment.  Each has their own way, I found myself on the cusp of turning. I could either chose a way to vent my insanity, or I could just continue, let come what may. I talked to some family that evening after work, and chose a third path.

and the third way is ?? ruovl
two roads diverged in a yellow wood.... and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference...

uncle d
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