Sunday, October 29, 2006

Funktober Fest!

So, this evening my church had a Funktober Fest. It was put on by the young adult ministry, and we had a service and then bierocks and bratwursts. Then we had 70's music and dancing. The dance-off was fun, and I ended up winning! I guess I know more about 70's dance than I thought---or, the judges were impressed by my enthusiastic flailing. The coveted box of IBC rootbeer is mine!

Alas, I didn't make the cut in the costume contest. There were some pretty good outfits there. It ended up with two couples getting the two prizes.

Most people wore wigs. Me, I'm a natural kind of guy.

congratulations on the victory!
i'm so impressed with your style and even more with your apparent dancing ability, especially for an, albiet ethnic, mennonite. good thing you're coming home from thanksgiving, looks like you'll need a haircut by then.
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