Saturday, October 29, 2005

well, whaduya know

It turns out there are things to do in Wichita. Other than sit in my apartment. Today I went to a 2-cylinder John Deere tractor show/swap meet. I wouldn't have gone, but one of my former roomates who lives in Jamaica was going to see it, so I figured it was worth the drive to the other side of town. There was lots of old pieces of cast iron, as well as shiny assembled pieces of metal. Since many decades of tractors were represented, I got to see a progression from extremely simple (engine, radiator, transmission, wheels--"I could make that") to much more complex (hydraulics, electric, wires and levers and hoses--"How did they get all those parts to work at once?")--still much more simple than your car. There was an "All-fuel" tractor with an electric starter on a 4 cylinder gas engine, that started a 2 cylinder engine that, as suggested by it's name, would burn pretty much anything.

There was also a section that was dedicated to Merchandising. They had John Deere hats, and shirts and signs and collectible toy tractors and any thing else that would make people think of the "good old days" enough that they could turn a profit.

After looking at everything (again) we had lunch and then went to a tool store on the other end of town. It was closed, but we walked around and looked at the dozens of types of trailers they had for sale.

It was good to see J5 again and hear how things are going, as well as meet his brother, who, incidentally, went to RBC with mine. It seems odd that I needed someone to come from out of the country to tell me what sort of things are happening in my city. And there is more than just this tractor show, there are airshows and cool stores and museums.

It was inspiring to spend a day with people who farm, in an environment (onstensibly) focused on farm implements. I need a couple acres in which to muck about. Farming for a living is a life, and it isn't easy, but can I improve mine and others quality of life, while saving some money by growing some food?
try tomatoes and herbs in your bathroom with a gro light.
farming is the way to go.
I'm trying something....
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