Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Better living through chemicals

So, it is like mid-morning and I cannot keep my eyes open. So I go grab a cup of coffee, pour in a lot of sugar---and presto! I am awake. I can think more clearly. I am smarter and better looking! I survived 4 years of school without hardly touching the stuff, and not really thinking that it had much effect on me. Now that I have something to wake me up in the morning, I just need something to put me to sleep in the evening---when I am totally not tired. I could feel fantastic all the time!
Where did you come up with that song? I hear you about the coffee thing, although I have kept away from it thus far. It has been very tempting though. Try it without sugar, it's better for you.
Disclaimer: after the first set, it is hit or miss whether the lyrics are clean or not.
Mmmmm. Coffee. It's good stuff, I tell you!. But of course, you all know my opinion on that...

Keep feeling fantastic : ).
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