Thursday, September 01, 2005

Fountain flows, table tips

So, here I sit, listening to my fountain while I eat mango with a knife. I think my pump would put out a lot more water if it didn't have to pipe it through a block of wood.

Yesterday a 25 gallon fish tank came into my possession. I don't really need a fishtank, so maybe I'll make it into a terarium. It has the filters, light, heater and all (don't know if it works), so I'll have to figure out a way to make use of that. Yet another project that will have to be put on hold until I get back from visiting my siblings et. al.

I worked on my endtable this evening instead of packing. It didn't work out the way I had planned. Some of you may be able to determine the design flaws from the pictures. Hint: What happens on a rainy day?

I am going to need to make a new one, and I'm not sure what I can do with the old lies on it's side quite stablely, maybe I'll make another and use them for my coffee table.
can you throw a random block of lead you probably have sitting around on the bottom so that it balances? I am no mechanical engineer, but I would think that if in doubt, add weight to the bottom.
how cool is that? now i think i need a massive fountain and plant zoo for my dorm room. i could even have small creaures as long as they hid under the folige at the appropriate times.
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