Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Juice: the liquid portion of plants or animals

So, there is blood around my sink. I was washing dishes and I thinks to myself, I'll go ahead and wash that bowl in the freezer. So I pull the glass serving dish of frozen paper-water mixture out of the freezer and notice there is some ice stuck to the bottom of the dish. As I go to run water over the bowl to melt out the block of icy paper, I run my hand over the bottom. The ice is especially sharp and then blood begins to run out of my thumb. I realize that the glass bowl broke out, and the shards of ice are actually the shattered glass, clinging to the frozen paper. Hot or cold water didn't stop it bleeding, but some presure did. So, now I have my thumb taped with yellow tape, and I am letting it clot some before going back to the dishes. It is cool yellow tape though--it is the stuff they use to mark tiny scratches and dings on the plane that need fixing.
welcome to the club, we missed you on the damaged fingers summer extravaganza.
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