Wednesday, October 12, 2005

oil change

Today I changed the oil in my car. It had been oh so long, and I am thinking about doing some driving this weekend, and at 230,000 miles, it could use all the help it can get. I also cleaned it some--which mostly consisted of removing the topsoil with a shovel. I went to start it up, to get the oil into the filter and,,,it just cranked and cranked. Oh, no, I thought, it is not good to have a car that suddenly stops starting when you are driving 9 hours the next day...
So, I poked around under the hood, wiggling hoses and such--though I know it isn't the hoses. Then I realized that when I replaced the air filter, I pulled the coil wire loose, and suddenly my car is as reliable as ever.
off to do some driving...where are you off to? see family again?
Well, I guess they are almost my family...
very observant on the Philly thing. Unfortunately, I pretty much just picked a template that looked sort of cool...
Well, off to work and then I drive to Hawaii this weekend!
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