Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The story of our lives

I am reading a book: Perelandra by C.S.Lewis.
I am near the middle and it is sad, and depressing, but not in a way that makes you weep. Seeing evil slowly, patiently, chip away at good by making slight adjustments to good so that it can be used seemingly against itself. And there seems to be no escape, especially in our own lives, in which the same battle is being fought. The only hope is that we have the mind of Christ, and while we embrace that new mind, can we be slowly corrupted? And what about when I am not fully thinking from that Mind? But I thought we were fighting a winning battle? "We are more than conquerors" seems so far away when I see, in my own thoughts, good being the enemy of best. My almost-truths are the enemies of God.
Just wait til you get to That Hideous Strength. Then the evil doesn't so much "chip away" as it does "gouge and rip"

Is this your first time through the trilogy?
Maybe I will see better when I get there, but I don't see evil gouging and ripping in my life---just insiduous attitudes that are only slightly miscontrutions of the truth, but set me up to accept even worse ideas.

Yeah, I read a couple chapters in the middle of THS once...
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