Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Wonder and awe

Jesus came and died to fix this world--an amazing redemption but it doesn't stop there, that is the begining. We broke our world, missing one plan, but God had another plan, one that suprisingly was the Creator walking on this earth and then suffering the death we had made here.

"Love me my brothers, for I am infinitely superfluous, and your love shall be like His, born neither of your need nor of my deserving, but a plain bounty. Blessed be He!"

Giving as it is given to us, each improving the gift with our own love and labour. The givers are not greater than the receiver for whom it was given because all is gift.

If we turn from what God has for us to what we want, our desires will turn to rubbish and we can't fix it.
Our world and minds are so corrupted by this fallenness. That is not an excuse or cause for despair or reason not to make every thought a God-given thought, but shows that we need the mind of Christ. Even though we can't do it in our own strength, stand up, and let God's strength pour through you. We live in a fallen world so often is the deadening to any reach for perfectly thinking and acting how God would want us to.
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