Monday, March 06, 2006

So incredibly good

I have it so good.  So incredibly good. Let's look at it:

So, I have a credit card, and I get a statement that looks like this:

Previous Balance: ($2.93 Gazillion)
Recent Balance Transfer: ($2.93 Gazillion)
Current Payment Due: $0.00
Monthly Credit: Everything you need (why? just 'cause)
College Fund: Priceless

Pretty amazing, especially since it is all because God, the creator of the universe----The Creator of the Universe!----loves me!  Can't really get any better than that.

I have a job that pays pretty good---like a multiple of what many people I know get---pretty much more than I can reasonable spend, and then I come home and I have all this extra time. No trying to fit my job around my second job around keeping up with everything, with classes with...  I mean, sure, I have to manage my time ok (I only get 24 hrs a day) but really it is all pretty low stress, and really my job lets me do cool stuff---and then I complain because my job doesn't let me play in the sand, burn stuff, and make chainsaw structural art!

I am healthy.  I don't have to spend much time, money, effort or attention staying healthy.  Pretty much the whole system (amazingly complex) "just works".  I can run and jump and have great fun.  Many people are so limited by their health---if not constantly fighting for their life.  Now, someday I will get old and eventually die (a grim thought) but right now, and in the foreseeable future, there really isn't much better that it could be.

I don't really have to worry about this and I take it for granted so much---why can't people just be smart, know stuff, it isn't that hard?  Oh, people have lots of variations in how and what they can handle mentally, and I have it pretty good in this regard. I never really struggle at stuff---at least not to continue my everyday existence.

I come from a non-dysfunctional (functional) family, with strong ties.  All in my family love each other and me, and none are off the deep end. At a small-group meeting this evening, one of my friends was weeping as she prayed for her mother, who is incarcerated.  Wow, my mom builds houses.  I don't have to worry about which drugs my family is messed up in, and how long until they get in jail. And this all gives me a stable base from which to plan my life and make rational decisions. I also have a lot of good friends who do so much for me, and would do so much more if need be.

So all it all, I have a pretty amazing life. And nobody is out to get me, or hurt me---sometimes people might think I am uncool or socially implausible, but most of that is imaginary anyway. Now I need to go to bed so I won't feel superficially tired at work tomorrow.

socially that a bad thing?
now you've jinxed your life. Have fun!
You're right Tob, we have a heap to be thankful for. Thanks for the reminder to not be negative and to be thankful.
I've been going back and forth lately between "my life sucks and God hates me" and "it could still get a lot worse and I'd still have a pretty cool life." I'm not sure which perspective I should adopt . . . . :-)

speaking of mom building houses--any chance people would want to do that again? that a bad thing? only if I believe it to be so. Or something like that. But as long as I let love and grace dictate what I do and not selfishness, ignoring social conventions is fine. Unsually I am worried about messing up, and so become someone I am not, and end up making life difficult for others.
Dear Tobias,

I've been thinking about that multi-gazillions account of yours. I've run up a vastly higher one in my 54+ years, and, like yours, my balance is growing daily. And with the minimum payment so low, what a deal! "All we have" is a reasonable installment on the loan each day, but the balance keeps growing.

Love it!
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