Saturday, July 23, 2005

am I losing it?

I now have a saw and a drill and other tools in my closet, and some lumber in what would be my dining room. I gathered the necessary items to make a desk. It cost me about the same amount as if I bought a similar one from OfficeMax. But most of that was in tools that will be useful in the future.
I also am hoping that some people bid on some ebay items" in the next few days, or I will be getting a great deal on more routers than I need. My life is like a bag of tangerines hanging by a string over a pack of rabid dogs---constantly being thrown from one extreme to another.

I put in some overtime today. Now that we are actually doing something that needs to get done, they are ok with us working some extra time on it. I'm not sure that I want to go down that least not so much that I get burned out and hate my job as my boss warned could happen with taking too much overtime.
the wrt54g is totally the router you want. Forget anything else. We use them on the phoenix project, with alternative firmware they can be configured to act as a client, and the power can be upped substantially for much more range.
I looked it up on the wiki to find the model that I wanted. In fact, I bid on several, but the last one closed at $41 and I had only bid about $13, so it is likely, unless I up my current bid, that I will lose this one as well.
I must say I completely surprised myself in how I interpreted your post. I read through the entire post, but didn't click any links. Then, I read Aduma's post and was completely confused at what he was talking about. I thought you were buying wood routers for furniture making.
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