Sunday, July 31, 2005

On: WDWJU and sort-of saved

Today I went to one of Wichita's many churches. The worship service was hymns and responsive readings with a quartet lending it's voice in other genres occationally. Which was just a little more liturgical than I expected. The sermon was on Salvation (The appropriate Article of Faith was in the bulletin). She said that some people have sudden conversion experiences while for others it is a more gradual process, happening over many years,and both were valid. I found this a bit more Univeralist than I am comfortable with. For sunday school I went to the Drop-in, sermon discussion/current events group. In the big open room was a table that caught my eye--a display hailing the virtues of open source---with supporting scripture verses! I've sometimes been evangelistic about it (often more than about my faith) but I hadn't seen blatant biblical basis for Linux. What Distro Would Jesus Use? Evidentally, Ubuntu, a Debian variant.
The discussion focused on "why you don't need to know the day you were saved" and "is there a reason we don't have a cross in the front of the church?" It turned out that the salvation-as-a-process was more talking about people who grew up as christians, and can't point to a day that they surrendered to God, and less about "I'd say I'm 63% saved and 38% enlightened, so I have a better probability of going to heaven than nirvana."
A better probability of going to heaven than nirvana... hahahahahaha

Good luck finding a church, Abu. :)
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