Sunday, July 24, 2005

Hamburger Stew

Here I sit, eating hamburger stew. The cool thing about this stew is that I started it cooking, put in all the veggies and adjusted it down to just about the right level, and headed off to church. Two hours later, I found that the electric skillet had not burned it. And it wasn't raw either, I could cut the veggies with a spoon.(though we know that the spoons are the sharpest) All it needed was some seasoning. What I really need is a crockpot, so it is not so hit-or-miss. I also need some people to come over so I have a reason to clean this place up.

Where do I find suction cups? I need like a dozen 1" diameter suction cups. I looked at Dollar General. I canvased the entire housewarez section of WalMart, I did a cursory search at Lowes. But all I found were there big ones that have a lever that pulls it tigh. I just want a little piece of rubber, maybe with a hook I can remove.
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