Tuesday, August 09, 2005

desk complete

Well, my desk is done. After a couple weeks I am finally finished. It swallowed 3 twelve foot 2x4's, two 1x4's, two hinges and some glue and screws. Then to top it off, 19 suction cups and six 20"x20" pieces of tempered glass. It turned into more of a kluge than I was hoping for, but I went ahead and varnish/stained the awkward thing anyway and I am please with the result. My cable modem and router are suction cupped under the monitors. Their blinking lights reflect off the glass and are visible, even though they are out of sight.

Now I have to clean up (with the vacuum I bought) and rearrange my furniture. I found a Lazy-Boy(R) recliner, which will nicely supplement my couch in seating accommodations. It is in pretty good shape; needed some cleaning, and some kid used a Sharpie on the seat. But with the help of some solvents, I hope to remove that.

On a different note, I went to a small group meeting this evening. They were in Exodus 20 and discussed the 10 commandments and how the law relates to our current grace-driven faith. Some good points were brought up.

Life at work continues unabated. I go to class and work hard at staying awake for the first couple hours of lecture. I am not learning anything earth-shaking, but it will be helpful. Sometimes it is really frustrating to try to make the program do something, and have this feeling that the programmers could have so easily made it so it would work. And other programmers have, why don't we use their stuff? (But we are doing 3D solids now, and that is fun.) And then on break, if I am not walking around eating an apple, I surf the web, and when I go to use a mouse gesture or open a new tab, I realize my dependence on better technology. I haven't tried installing FireFox yet...I wonder if it would work, and if it would be a problem...
So, since I have work in a few hours I must go to bed.
hi tobias,
i am really dumb about using blogs, but tg got yours when we were at a coffee shop in columbia. it's coffee zone, the coolest shop in town, and she just got a job here! we are all very excited. it is from 3 to 7, but she will be working other stuff here and there, too.
it was fun talking to you yesterday. robert just bought a car, and went to buy a battery for it. we think he'll be okay if he does not turn it off too many times....
i love you and miss you. try t o look at a weekend that will be good to have company, if any make a difference. children's church is our main weekend issue. today they all used paint to stamp patterns on t-shirts, as well as did a presentation in grown up church (that we, the teachers, did not know about ahead of time) and an impromptu performance of shadrach, mesach, and abednego for the four-year-old class, that i made up as we went along. fun stuff. then we all went home to sleep... okay, seeyou later.
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