Wednesday, August 17, 2005

The virii of today are the operating systems of tomorrow

--Dr. Baas
Over the last couple days a worm has been going around that clogs Windows 2000 networks. My home computers have not yet fallen prey to it's evil machinations---I'd better run some patches to keep it that way! Several large companies have had trouble with this piece of code and it's relatives, according to the Wired article above. Evidently it came out very shortly after M$ announced the vulnerability. Maybe they should start doing "Mystery Patches" so they don't have to tell the crackers what to go after.

My patching is going to require a reboot?! It does seem to be changing the kernel, so I guess I won't complain...

Work today was interesting--only had class for a few hours, and then unexpectedly had to go back to normal work and try to get stuff done. All in all, it went fairly well, and there was a real relaxed atmosphere in the office today.

After work I hung out with Matt (from work) for a couple hours. We were going to go to church, but there was nobody there and an earthmover was making major modifications to the dirt at the entrance to the parking lot. So, we put together a bookcase, after buying some tools at Lowe's. Turned out that no tools were needed to assemble it---using 6 thumbtacks and 12 little metal pegs. We watched the Normandy part of Saving Private Ryan--after seeing some photos of the beaches he took while in Europe. We went and looked at TV's at Best Buy and had a shallow discussion about why such a $1.5K purchase could or could not be justified.

So, now I reboot my computer and get some sleep to face another day!
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