Monday, September 12, 2005

another day

The strike at Boeing has not stopped yet, but it looks like I will continue to work as usual, in the usual department.

I finally finished the endtable. It is much more stable, and more...Greek.
I am currently using a piece of glass that I got off a 1KW light I got at the Surplus Center. (the light works, but is much too bright and power hungry for my needs)

It appears that there are building codes in this area which puts a damper on my dream of building myself a house--unless I keep it under 200 ft^2. I can still figure out how to do it, which is probably all I would get around to anyway before I got distracted.
I can't get my current house cleaned up--what makes me think I could build one? Everything must wait for another day.
That's sweet!
is the 200 ft^2 a per floor thing or a total thing? You could just make a highrise of 6 floors, all of which are 20x10. That would not be too bad, unless your bedroom was on the top floor.
I think it is total--and they might count porch as well. See Section 6 and for and to get an idea of what it means to live in the land of the "free". see building FAQ
hm...i can't get my place either. maybe i should think of building as well. :)
what a stunning piece of work! the end table turned out so beautiful, i'm wondering if i can commission you to make one for me. you are going to have the hottest pad ever.
dj abu with the hot padz, yo
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