Sunday, November 20, 2005

Ooohh, blinky lights!

Last night I went to a PraiseRave at church. There was lights and music and some non-LU approved activities. But self-destructive, anti-social behavior was kept to a minimum. We had about a hundred people there between 9pm and 2am. The half dozen DJ's did a good job, as well as the light guy who volunteered his time and swivelly, flashy and swirlly lights. The video projection was better than I thought at first. They had some stuff sort of like electric sheep, but without the variety and beauty. Next time, I'll be ready.
There were glow sticks on strings and glow sticks in hand, people dancing and people standing around watching. It seems that the key characteristic of this type of dancing is you move your hands around, one hand following the other. Interestingly, that doesn't change if you are holding glow sticks, or even glow sticks on strings. The swirling figure-eights of light come from the same movements as those without.
At first I stood around, but then I got some sticks and string and experimented with that for a while. I had a shift at the entrance table, about the time the Red Bull kicked in, so I sat with glowstick between my fingers and moved my hands in patterned, spastic movements for about an hour, somewhat mimicking the movements of the swiveling lights. I don't think I was doing it right because someone said it looked like I was on speed, which (as I understand) is not rave-material.
Later in the night I decided to just go ahead and make a fool of myself, so I tried the whole dancing thing. It was pretty fun. And even when I tried to do it "right" I was lousy, but nobody minded. You could do whatever you wanted, and that was cool. No one chiding people because they aren't staying in line or doing it proper.
After it was over and the lights came up, I wandered about in a daze, helping clean up and make it ready for church. Then some of us went to IHOP, and then I went home, falling into bed about 6am. I made it to second service a bit late.
I was fun, and I am glad that I was able to participate, and, yes it brings back memories of days gone by. But I look forward to next time.
I imbibed on my fair shair of caffiene yesterday and nearly saw blinky lights myself. Though probably had more to do with driving by cops while under the influence (of caffiene and loud music), rather than praising God.

Good to hear you're painting up the town a little.
Nice, now I want to go to a rave. :o
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