Monday, March 27, 2006
Trip 1
This weekend I took a trip. To MO to see my folks and most of my siblings (we missed you Tiz!). We had a good and relaxing time. I climbed on rocks and looked down hills, and enjoyed being out in the middle of nowhere. This place is also in the middle of nowhere, but there are all these people and buildings that feel they have to be here too. In Missouri, there was just trees, and dirt and rocks and water.
Now I need some sleep. I didn't get a whole lot last night, but thankfully I wasn't very sleepy during work. Maybe because I spent a good bit of time listening to a liberal Jamacian argue social-political/economical theory with another coworker--the one who is colonizing the internet. Today I found out that (allegedly) God gave him a perfect set of rules for his online community, which makes him rather dogmatic about the particulars. I am glad he is listening to God, but am suprized to find absolute truth about how much the taxes should be in his technology-centric social structure.
Now I need some sleep. I didn't get a whole lot last night, but thankfully I wasn't very sleepy during work. Maybe because I spent a good bit of time listening to a liberal Jamacian argue social-political/economical theory with another coworker--the one who is colonizing the internet. Today I found out that (allegedly) God gave him a perfect set of rules for his online community, which makes him rather dogmatic about the particulars. I am glad he is listening to God, but am suprized to find absolute truth about how much the taxes should be in his technology-centric social structure.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
The story of our lives
I am reading a book: Perelandra by C.S.Lewis.
I am near the middle and it is sad, and depressing, but not in a way that makes you weep. Seeing evil slowly, patiently, chip away at good by making slight adjustments to good so that it can be used seemingly against itself. And there seems to be no escape, especially in our own lives, in which the same battle is being fought. The only hope is that we have the mind of Christ, and while we embrace that new mind, can we be slowly corrupted? And what about when I am not fully thinking from that Mind? But I thought we were fighting a winning battle? "We are more than conquerors" seems so far away when I see, in my own thoughts, good being the enemy of best. My almost-truths are the enemies of God.
I am near the middle and it is sad, and depressing, but not in a way that makes you weep. Seeing evil slowly, patiently, chip away at good by making slight adjustments to good so that it can be used seemingly against itself. And there seems to be no escape, especially in our own lives, in which the same battle is being fought. The only hope is that we have the mind of Christ, and while we embrace that new mind, can we be slowly corrupted? And what about when I am not fully thinking from that Mind? But I thought we were fighting a winning battle? "We are more than conquerors" seems so far away when I see, in my own thoughts, good being the enemy of best. My almost-truths are the enemies of God.
Friday, March 17, 2006
Fossett Flies Further
...and returns to the same place.
This morning I got up, looked on the web and saw that I had about 2 hours before Fossett landed in Salina KS, after circling the globe (again). This will be the third earth-circling trip he has taken in the aptly named Global Flyer. This time, he was going for the longest closed circuit flight, so he took the scenic route around, and landed and took off from the same place, Salina.
I put my bike in the car, in case I couldn't park very close, and would have to walk a long way. And I made some lunch and drove the hour and a half north. Steve was over Texas, and started his long decent.
I arrived in the town, headed over to the airport, trying to find the best vantage point. I followed a car to the south side, and found a half dozen cars parked by the road. So, I got out, bundled up, grabbed my camera and went looking for the best view. So much for the 2000 person crowd reported during his first landing! More people arrived, and I stood with a small group opposite the end of the runway. The radio reported his progress. Suddenly the runway lights came to life. I would estimate that visibility was 3 miles---it was overcast. Finally one guy spotted him: "He's there above the camper" he pointed above the field in front of us. Finally I picked him up, just a dark, dotted line in the uniform grey cloud. As he neared, I began to take pictures and began to hear the low whine of the William jet engine idling toward us. One drouge chute was out--a necessity, since the plane will climb if the landing gear aren't down, even on low throttle. He came sailing smoothly over us and then settled toward the runway, slightly crabbing into the wind. The radio told us when he touched down, he was far in the distance down the long Salina runway.
Salina is known as a fuel stop for commercial and military aircraft alike, situated as it is in the center of the country, and with it's two miles of paved runway, it makes and excellent home for the Global Flyer. The 900 person K-State student body does an excellent job supporting this extraordinary plane. This flight K-State upped their involvement, not only providing Mission Control, but also the maintenance team and other support.
I got in my car, and was driving north along the airport wondering where the press conference was, and I began looking for the plane as I glimpsed the runway. Finally I saw it, and I saw that people were gathering on the tarmac. So, I quickly pulled in, and hopped out. We watched as the plane was carefully and slowly towed off the runway, and brought up to the roped-off area where the 50+ spectators had gathered. Fossett, in his white flight suit, his wife, and others follow in a vehicle. First there was all the necessary pictures and toasting, and I think the press interviewed him briefly. It was pretty low-key. The student maintenance crew looked over the plane, and Steve left, followed by most of the crowd.
Then people started crossing the rope and getting their picture taken with this history-making, carefully designed, piece of carbon fibre. A guy I had been talking with during this whole thing took my picture next to it. Look here for more, better, pictures. I was just about to take a picture of him, when his batteries died. But, I had some in my camera, and newly charged ones in my pocket, so he was able to keep clicking away. Meanwhile, I got down and looked at the frost covered landing gear, and walked under the wings, and examined the parachute stowage system. I was suprised to find varnished wood for the tail skids--not much larger than the skid on the tail of my plane. One was slightly scratched, but the other had a good bit of wood ground off, as the tail bumped the runway during takeoff. The wings were long and thin, the tip slightly and gracefully curving up at the back. The engine seemed to have leaked small amounts of orange fluid during flight, and red fluid after landing. On the tail control surfaces were interesting static wicks--if that is what they were--pieces of carbon fibre lasagna fastened to the trailing edges. It was a one-of-a-kind plane but probably not the best plane that will ever be designed for long distance flight. Your turn.
At first glance, it seems that beating yet another record has little value--can't someone just give Steve an "I Win!" button? What good does it do to fly 25,320 miles and end up where you started? On the other hand, Orville could have run that 120 feet in a few seconds, and when they were done, they put the Flyer back into the same hanger it was in that morning, but it proved it was possible, and maybe more important was the inspiration to them and others. To show people that amazing things can be done, huge goals can be set, and reached. It shows that the conventional limits are short sighted. It makes me want to do something, something that has never been done before. It makes me happy to know that when the plane is hung in the Smithsonian later this year, I will have already walked around it, under it, and examined some of it's finer exterior details. I was there.
Another link to more pictures:here.
This morning I got up, looked on the web and saw that I had about 2 hours before Fossett landed in Salina KS, after circling the globe (again). This will be the third earth-circling trip he has taken in the aptly named Global Flyer. This time, he was going for the longest closed circuit flight, so he took the scenic route around, and landed and took off from the same place, Salina.
I put my bike in the car, in case I couldn't park very close, and would have to walk a long way. And I made some lunch and drove the hour and a half north. Steve was over Texas, and started his long decent.
I arrived in the town, headed over to the airport, trying to find the best vantage point. I followed a car to the south side, and found a half dozen cars parked by the road. So, I got out, bundled up, grabbed my camera and went looking for the best view. So much for the 2000 person crowd reported during his first landing! More people arrived, and I stood with a small group opposite the end of the runway. The radio reported his progress. Suddenly the runway lights came to life. I would estimate that visibility was 3 miles---it was overcast. Finally one guy spotted him: "He's there above the camper" he pointed above the field in front of us. Finally I picked him up, just a dark, dotted line in the uniform grey cloud. As he neared, I began to take pictures and began to hear the low whine of the William jet engine idling toward us. One drouge chute was out--a necessity, since the plane will climb if the landing gear aren't down, even on low throttle. He came sailing smoothly over us and then settled toward the runway, slightly crabbing into the wind. The radio told us when he touched down, he was far in the distance down the long Salina runway.
Salina is known as a fuel stop for commercial and military aircraft alike, situated as it is in the center of the country, and with it's two miles of paved runway, it makes and excellent home for the Global Flyer. The 900 person K-State student body does an excellent job supporting this extraordinary plane. This flight K-State upped their involvement, not only providing Mission Control, but also the maintenance team and other support.
I got in my car, and was driving north along the airport wondering where the press conference was, and I began looking for the plane as I glimpsed the runway. Finally I saw it, and I saw that people were gathering on the tarmac. So, I quickly pulled in, and hopped out. We watched as the plane was carefully and slowly towed off the runway, and brought up to the roped-off area where the 50+ spectators had gathered. Fossett, in his white flight suit, his wife, and others follow in a vehicle. First there was all the necessary pictures and toasting, and I think the press interviewed him briefly. It was pretty low-key. The student maintenance crew looked over the plane, and Steve left, followed by most of the crowd.
Then people started crossing the rope and getting their picture taken with this history-making, carefully designed, piece of carbon fibre. A guy I had been talking with during this whole thing took my picture next to it. Look here for more, better, pictures. I was just about to take a picture of him, when his batteries died. But, I had some in my camera, and newly charged ones in my pocket, so he was able to keep clicking away. Meanwhile, I got down and looked at the frost covered landing gear, and walked under the wings, and examined the parachute stowage system. I was suprised to find varnished wood for the tail skids--not much larger than the skid on the tail of my plane. One was slightly scratched, but the other had a good bit of wood ground off, as the tail bumped the runway during takeoff. The wings were long and thin, the tip slightly and gracefully curving up at the back. The engine seemed to have leaked small amounts of orange fluid during flight, and red fluid after landing. On the tail control surfaces were interesting static wicks--if that is what they were--pieces of carbon fibre lasagna fastened to the trailing edges. It was a one-of-a-kind plane but probably not the best plane that will ever be designed for long distance flight. Your turn.
At first glance, it seems that beating yet another record has little value--can't someone just give Steve an "I Win!" button? What good does it do to fly 25,320 miles and end up where you started? On the other hand, Orville could have run that 120 feet in a few seconds, and when they were done, they put the Flyer back into the same hanger it was in that morning, but it proved it was possible, and maybe more important was the inspiration to them and others. To show people that amazing things can be done, huge goals can be set, and reached. It shows that the conventional limits are short sighted. It makes me want to do something, something that has never been done before. It makes me happy to know that when the plane is hung in the Smithsonian later this year, I will have already walked around it, under it, and examined some of it's finer exterior details. I was there.
Another link to more pictures:here.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
This is a pretty nice town. Especially on the edges. I was downtown with a friend this evening, I picked him up, drove a block, was going to get gas, he was going to grap something at the gas station, and then we were going to go to small group. I jump out, stick the nozzle in the gas tank, and sirens start ariving. Hmm, we're downtown, cops are to be expected. I am getting out my credit card, and officers are pointing guns at the front of the store and yelling "Drop the bag!" "Put down the gun!" Maybe I should buy gas later. Can't get a good view of what is going on without exposing my favorite head---I feel pretty safe, after all, I am behind a big gas pump, and that officer is just sort of standing behind a pillar. But, it seems wise to go sit behind my car, put somemore metal between me and the confrontation. So, I squat behind my tire, and watch the passing cars gawk at the drama unfolding behind me. A guy has a camera on a tripod across the street. The cops still seem to want someone to drop the gun. So, I pray for the situation, that it will end peacefully, and wonder if the cops will feel the need to shoot the guy in the leg or something. Too bad they can't just do the heroic, passive-aggressive and shoot the gun out of his hands. Then the ambulance arrives, and drives right into the scene, and the driver seems to jump out and bolt. It probably was over by then, but I didn't really realize it until a little latter, when I glanced up, and saw people walking about, unguarded. The cops were putting a guy with a red shirt and shackles into a car. So, I got up, and started pumping gas. I soon realize that this parking lot was getting ringed in yellow tape: "Yeah, I want the whole thing taped off!" So, I stopped the pump ("I'll end up with a partial tank, and my mileage record will be messy!") and then went looking for my friend. That was when the officers stopped me, and suddenly I realized I was evidence. My friend was talking to an officer, as I passed with another, and gave him my ID, and name, and SSN (,,,it is for tax purposes, not identification!, aww, forget it. Oh, well) So, then another officer came with another guy, who seemed to have gotten a gun pointed at him, and then they put us in a cop car. He was somewhat shaken, but not very badly, "That could have been me..." but then the officer asked us not to discuss it. So, I tried to make conversation, and before long, the cops took us several blocks to the INVESTIGATIONS office. Where we sat in the waiting room, where are few others were sitting. Then the place filled up, with people. Mostly the kind you would find in such a part of town. Some were insane. One guy was talking about UFO's "I was in Roswell from suchandsuch date to suchandsuch date and five hundred airplanes [or was it thousand] flew over, and then five flew over and crashed. It wasn't a UFO that crashed there, because a UFO can't crash. They are spiritual. They could go right through the earth and come out the other side, you can't crash a UFO! Not when it can take off without rockets---it didn't burn that guard-shack!" [referencing earlier story about a UFO he saw hover over a guard shack and then take of, without burning it] "There are only two places other than Saturn and Jupiter that physical life or spiritual life could exist....The sun and the earth. The sun is holy, that box [the Ark of the Covenant], that you couldn't look at unless you were a prophet..." I continued to read the NG about a guy who had a huge fleet of ships, in China, five centuries ago. Eventually he was telling some antidote about a roller coaster disaster, and the officer took him out in the hall and talked to him. He was much quieter after that.
Everybody was itching to talk about the most exciting thing that had happened to them in a while, but the officers wanted us not to discuss the incident. I got the impression that a clerk was fired upon, and nobody knew his condition.
Eventually, the officers brought out a young guy in a red shirt ("Ahh", I thought, "the guy I saw being put in the cop car!") and he sat down with his head in his hands and his family gathered around him, and then a few minutes later, they asked if they could leave, and got up and went out. ("Hmm, maybe not a suspect...maybe another clerk") They were slowly working us through, getting each of us interviewed--but it was night, and they didn't have many detectives on duty---"we are bringing more in." I skipped most of the NG article about Croatia, or Czech Republic or something, filled with death for decades--didn't want to taint my story with gruesome images. "I was sitting by the gas pump, and for hundreds of years, everyone killed everyone else....what?" Eventually, I was called it--I was the last, out of over a dozen, and talked to the detective for 15 min--it took a long time for me to give the names and ages, and locations of all my siblings! Then I told what I saw--some big guy in black standing in front of the store, in the shadows, and figured that he was the center of attention. And I sat behind my car. It was a pretty good interview--too bad I so little information. They took my picture "we always take pictures of the witnesses in homicide cases." And then they took me back to get my car---once again needed my name, date of birth. And they gave me a note from my friend. So I dropped his bible off at the place he lives, with a note saying things were good, and went home. Listened to multiple messages from people, asking about me, and then talked to a guy from small group for a while. I reallly did not feel scared or anything while it was happening---I would have continued getting gas, but I realized I was not acting very smart. When there are a bunch of cops around with their guns out, it may be good to just chill for a while--the gas pump can wait (it did).
So, that was the excitement. I might even show up in the news---I'm the guy in blue sitting against the right side of Cecil. (if the camera pans to the right far enough)
One thing that bugged me: as the two cops were escorting me and Big-guy-who-got-the-gun-pulled-on-him into the police station, Cop Two says to Cop One "Did the gun jam? The gun may have was one of those cheap .22 magnums, a Jam-o-matic" Cop One replied with ambivalence, something about not seeing it. I was thinking, "Is this guy trying to seed this witness that I can't talk to about his experience? What is going on? Have I watched to many Bad Cop movies?" Maybe I should have mentioned it in my interview.
Now I should check the news and see what REALLY happened: "HUGE blood bath at store! Cops fire dozen of shotgun blasts at suspect! Store burns to ground and gasoline explodes because some idiot was sitting there with the gas nozzle in his gas tank!
Everybody was itching to talk about the most exciting thing that had happened to them in a while, but the officers wanted us not to discuss the incident. I got the impression that a clerk was fired upon, and nobody knew his condition.
Eventually, the officers brought out a young guy in a red shirt ("Ahh", I thought, "the guy I saw being put in the cop car!") and he sat down with his head in his hands and his family gathered around him, and then a few minutes later, they asked if they could leave, and got up and went out. ("Hmm, maybe not a suspect...maybe another clerk") They were slowly working us through, getting each of us interviewed--but it was night, and they didn't have many detectives on duty---"we are bringing more in." I skipped most of the NG article about Croatia, or Czech Republic or something, filled with death for decades--didn't want to taint my story with gruesome images. "I was sitting by the gas pump, and for hundreds of years, everyone killed everyone else....what?" Eventually, I was called it--I was the last, out of over a dozen, and talked to the detective for 15 min--it took a long time for me to give the names and ages, and locations of all my siblings! Then I told what I saw--some big guy in black standing in front of the store, in the shadows, and figured that he was the center of attention. And I sat behind my car. It was a pretty good interview--too bad I so little information. They took my picture "we always take pictures of the witnesses in homicide cases." And then they took me back to get my car---once again needed my name, date of birth. And they gave me a note from my friend. So I dropped his bible off at the place he lives, with a note saying things were good, and went home. Listened to multiple messages from people, asking about me, and then talked to a guy from small group for a while. I reallly did not feel scared or anything while it was happening---I would have continued getting gas, but I realized I was not acting very smart. When there are a bunch of cops around with their guns out, it may be good to just chill for a while--the gas pump can wait (it did).
So, that was the excitement. I might even show up in the news---I'm the guy in blue sitting against the right side of Cecil. (if the camera pans to the right far enough)
One thing that bugged me: as the two cops were escorting me and Big-guy-who-got-the-gun-pulled-on-him into the police station, Cop Two says to Cop One "Did the gun jam? The gun may have was one of those cheap .22 magnums, a Jam-o-matic" Cop One replied with ambivalence, something about not seeing it. I was thinking, "Is this guy trying to seed this witness that I can't talk to about his experience? What is going on? Have I watched to many Bad Cop movies?" Maybe I should have mentioned it in my interview.
Now I should check the news and see what REALLY happened: "HUGE blood bath at store! Cops fire dozen of shotgun blasts at suspect! Store burns to ground and gasoline explodes because some idiot was sitting there with the gas nozzle in his gas tank!
Monday, March 06, 2006
So incredibly good
I have it so good. So incredibly good. Let's look at it:
So, I have a credit card, and I get a statement that looks like this:
Pretty amazing, especially since it is all because God, the creator of the universe----The Creator of the Universe!----loves me! Can't really get any better than that.
I have a job that pays pretty good---like a multiple of what many people I know get---pretty much more than I can reasonable spend, and then I come home and I have all this extra time. No trying to fit my job around my second job around keeping up with everything, with classes with... I mean, sure, I have to manage my time ok (I only get 24 hrs a day) but really it is all pretty low stress, and really my job lets me do cool stuff---and then I complain because my job doesn't let me play in the sand, burn stuff, and make chainsaw structural art!
I am healthy. I don't have to spend much time, money, effort or attention staying healthy. Pretty much the whole system (amazingly complex) "just works". I can run and jump and have great fun. Many people are so limited by their health---if not constantly fighting for their life. Now, someday I will get old and eventually die (a grim thought) but right now, and in the foreseeable future, there really isn't much better that it could be.
I don't really have to worry about this and I take it for granted so much---why can't people just be smart, know stuff, it isn't that hard? Oh, people have lots of variations in how and what they can handle mentally, and I have it pretty good in this regard. I never really struggle at stuff---at least not to continue my everyday existence.
I come from a non-dysfunctional (functional) family, with strong ties. All in my family love each other and me, and none are off the deep end. At a small-group meeting this evening, one of my friends was weeping as she prayed for her mother, who is incarcerated. Wow, my mom builds houses. I don't have to worry about which drugs my family is messed up in, and how long until they get in jail. And this all gives me a stable base from which to plan my life and make rational decisions. I also have a lot of good friends who do so much for me, and would do so much more if need be.
So all it all, I have a pretty amazing life. And nobody is out to get me, or hurt me---sometimes people might think I am uncool or socially implausible, but most of that is imaginary anyway. Now I need to go to bed so I won't feel superficially tired at work tomorrow.
So, I have a credit card, and I get a statement that looks like this:
Previous Balance: ($2.93 Gazillion)
Recent Balance Transfer: ($2.93 Gazillion)
Current Payment Due: $0.00
Monthly Credit: Everything you need (why? just 'cause)
College Fund: Priceless
Pretty amazing, especially since it is all because God, the creator of the universe----The Creator of the Universe!----loves me! Can't really get any better than that.
I have a job that pays pretty good---like a multiple of what many people I know get---pretty much more than I can reasonable spend, and then I come home and I have all this extra time. No trying to fit my job around my second job around keeping up with everything, with classes with... I mean, sure, I have to manage my time ok (I only get 24 hrs a day) but really it is all pretty low stress, and really my job lets me do cool stuff---and then I complain because my job doesn't let me play in the sand, burn stuff, and make chainsaw structural art!
I am healthy. I don't have to spend much time, money, effort or attention staying healthy. Pretty much the whole system (amazingly complex) "just works". I can run and jump and have great fun. Many people are so limited by their health---if not constantly fighting for their life. Now, someday I will get old and eventually die (a grim thought) but right now, and in the foreseeable future, there really isn't much better that it could be.
I don't really have to worry about this and I take it for granted so much---why can't people just be smart, know stuff, it isn't that hard? Oh, people have lots of variations in how and what they can handle mentally, and I have it pretty good in this regard. I never really struggle at stuff---at least not to continue my everyday existence.
I come from a non-dysfunctional (functional) family, with strong ties. All in my family love each other and me, and none are off the deep end. At a small-group meeting this evening, one of my friends was weeping as she prayed for her mother, who is incarcerated. Wow, my mom builds houses. I don't have to worry about which drugs my family is messed up in, and how long until they get in jail. And this all gives me a stable base from which to plan my life and make rational decisions. I also have a lot of good friends who do so much for me, and would do so much more if need be.
So all it all, I have a pretty amazing life. And nobody is out to get me, or hurt me---sometimes people might think I am uncool or socially implausible, but most of that is imaginary anyway. Now I need to go to bed so I won't feel superficially tired at work tomorrow.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Will it work?
This morning I rode to work on a bike. It was fun, speeding through the crisp dawn air. After work I peddled home again--upwind most of the way, and it seemed like there was more uphill than down. I take a route that keeps me away from the main roads almost entirely, and only include a little grass.
I heard at lunch that I am supposed to have a bike license. That it cost $12. Interesting. I'll have to look it up and find out if I need brakes and such. (which I have, but they don't meet the "skid on dry pavement" test)
But, the question is, can I keep it up? Riding to work means I need to wear pants over my good pants to keep them out of the chain, I get either cold or sweaty on the way to work, I have to carry my lunch in a backpack, and so I can't really take the half gallon of water I am used to drinking everyday. I also have to get up a half hour earlier. But, it makes me stay more awake in work, (when combined with enough sleep and the right diet, exercise,,,) and I get some good cardio---although I don't ride at a panting pace like when running. Having been the same route 4 times now, I am starting to get tired of it. Can I continue to ride this path even when I am tired and don't feel like it? Should I? There are so many things that demand my attention, time, energy and motivation, and I am only one person.
I heard at lunch that I am supposed to have a bike license. That it cost $12. Interesting. I'll have to look it up and find out if I need brakes and such. (which I have, but they don't meet the "skid on dry pavement" test)
But, the question is, can I keep it up? Riding to work means I need to wear pants over my good pants to keep them out of the chain, I get either cold or sweaty on the way to work, I have to carry my lunch in a backpack, and so I can't really take the half gallon of water I am used to drinking everyday. I also have to get up a half hour earlier. But, it makes me stay more awake in work, (when combined with enough sleep and the right diet, exercise,,,) and I get some good cardio---although I don't ride at a panting pace like when running. Having been the same route 4 times now, I am starting to get tired of it. Can I continue to ride this path even when I am tired and don't feel like it? Should I? There are so many things that demand my attention, time, energy and motivation, and I am only one person.