Tuesday, December 06, 2005

There goes the neighborhood

Sunday, this apartment complex had a tennis court. It wasn't used very often, but occationally I would see people out there. Monday I came home from work to find that they had taken down the fence around it. Today, there was a skid loader, pulling up the concrete and putting it in dumpsters, and basically tearing up the area. I wonder what they are replacing it with? A grassy area? Some trees? A wind turbine? A waterslide? They have gotten the electric wires painted out on the ground. There is almost enough room for another building.

It have become really cold. This is my first "real" winter since I started college. I need to beef up my collection of warm clothes. Today I had to drive to the other side of the plant to gain some information about putting some parts together. We have this little yellow, three-wheeled electric vehicle that we drive around. It was pretty cold, but nice and sunny.
This evening I saw a snow plow, patrolling the roads, just in case there was some snow somewhere that nobody had noticed. But maybe tomorrow it will be white.

Nothing has happened. My chilly apartment is a wreck, especially since I took apart a clothes steamer in my bathroom this evening.
My vote is for the water slide. Perfect time of year for it too.
i think a pile of boulders would be nice. think of how much fun you could have climbing around on them, between them, getting trapped as they shifted....
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