Monday, November 27, 2006


This weekend, I went back to MO to hang out with my family. All 7
siblings, 3 sig. others, and 2 grandkids made it there. It was cool
to see everyone, and the weather was pretty much the best it could
possibly be.
I came back, and found my house slightly different from when I left.
I didn't notice until this morning, but the heap of dirty dishes had
transformed into a clean sink. So, thank you to who ever it was!
Sorry the place was so unsanitary. Yep, that's pretty much typical.

perhaps you should keep your place perpetually clean so when those hoodlums decided to illegally trespass in your apartment there's nothing to clean
O.K.Dobe, NO ONE except a GIRL would vandalize your house by doing dishes!!
come on, 'fess up!
That's what I thought too---especially with the "WE [heart] UR APARTMENT, ABU" written on the whiteboard (well, sckrawled). But, it turns out it was just three guys: Bubbles, Smee and Spork.
WHat kind of friends are those? They sound like a cross between hygiene and supper!
Hope to see you later this month?
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