Sunday, December 17, 2006

Did you see it? Did you see it? It was right over there!

This is how we ended the evening, with the first line of the shepherd's scene.

Well, that was for the cast, not "real people". In previous years, at the end of the show, the cast does a spoof of the play for their own entertainment. Well, this year, our isolated group of six (counting the baby) were the only ones who prepared anything. We did our scene backwards. Starting with the people coming to the open, lit stable, and ending with the shepherds running backwards off set, exclaiming about the angels. We thought of this with only a bit of the show left, and tried to practice between scenes. It was pretty difficult to remember what you are supposed to say when you have to take the cue from what the person just before you said that was what was normally after what you just said (or were about to say). But, we pulled it off with just a little bit of mess up. And it was quite entertaining.

All in all, the show was a lot of fun. I'm glad it's over, but it was a cool experience. Got to hang out with 4 people for 4 hours each night, talking about life, algebra, theology, witchcraft, binary, and of course, Christmas. This was interspersed with groups of people coming through, whom we tried to show the Advent story in a way that would make them feel it, feel like they had been there. To make it more than a story from long ago and far away.

...I know you will. Well, we'd better go now and let these good people get some rest. Goodbye! The Bible says that Mary treasured...
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