Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Since I got here...

...this afternoon was the most pleasant weather I've seen. I came out of work and it was about 80 degrees and the sun was shining. A beautiful afternoon. I guess the rain yesterday left, but the cooler temperatures stayed. I am glad that I didn't work late today.

A little later I was playing volleyball with some of the interns and a Rivet Joint aircraft was taking off and landing from the airstrip across the road. It was interesting to see the plane flying over that I heard about from the L3 trip.

This afternoon I went over to Aaron's apartment and drilled a hole through his wall with my cool new drill and some drillbits I got from the Boeing Surplus Store for $2.50/lb. Then we ran the cable for his internet from the living room to the office and got his computer set up on his new desk. Then I came back and started work on my desk. I got some of the angles and lengths figured and cut. I hope that the neighbors continue to allow me to run a circular saw next to the building.

It was good to spend some time outside working with my hands instead of just my brain. Or what's left of it after two days of trying to understand a complex relational database and it's means and methods. It is interesting that if I mess up the database in certain ways, it can't just be fixed. Just like if you grew up in an abusive situation, I can't just tell you "It's over, you are safe now." Even if you know I am right, it may not repair the emotional damage, or change your irrational emotional responses to today's circumstances. In some cases in the database, I can't fix things because I don't have the power or authorization. In other cases, it is just too inter-related for us to just poke with a stick and make it better.
those rivet joint aircraft are really cool, I am glad you got to see one. Hope you are doing well in one of the lesser midwest states. Actually, is iowa a good midwest state or a bad one, I do not even know...
well, it is not as hot and windy as Kansas, but we'll see what the flip=side brings in the winter. But I think Missouri tops it out for the mid=west because of the hills and rivers.
Yesterday did have some truly glorious weather. I got to drive home for the first time in my AC-less car without having to have the windows down and the vent fan blowing at max. It was so nice and quiet. The Spree sounded better than ever before on my audio system.

And I think we all know Kansas in the best, of any state. :-)
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